Sunday, February 22, 2009

How to Sell Back Old Textbooks on

KIM: This is an interview with Daniel Schmitt, a local college student who has recently learned of and utilized as a way to sell back old textbooks.
KIM: How did you learn of
DAN: I had a friend who used it.
KIM: Have you sold any books on
DAN: Yeah, I had about 18 books left over from past semesters. I posted them and sold about 11 of them.
KIM: Would you say this is an easy way to sell back your books?
DAN: Yeah, it was easy. I just entered in my books and waited for a sale. When someone bought my book I just mailed the book.
KIM: Did you have to pay to mail the book?
DAN: Yeah, they give you about a $3 allowance to mail it. If you use the Priority Mail packaging from the Post Office you can mail it for about $4. I suggest the flat rate package, the one that looks like a big envelope. It's the cheapest.
KIM: How are you paid for your book?
DAN: I entered in my bank account to PAYPAL, a company associated with eBay, so I figured it was safe. They directly deposit money from my sales about two times a month.
KIM: How much money have you made since you began selling your textbooks?
DAN: I have made about $470.
KIM: Were you surprised that you made as much as you did?
DAN: Yeah, I was. KIM: Any advice to new users?
DAN: Yeah, I'd recommend using if your bookstore won't buy back a book. I made enough money to go on Spring Break.
KIM: Thank you, check out the tutorial video to learn how easy is!

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